Myntra, the e-commerce fashion giant, held a sale last month that caught everybody’s attention. Myntra is known for its digital user experience and marketing strategy that help them to create an intent in the customer’s mind.

The Principle of Conversion Centric Design (CCD) states that you can drive people to take action by limiting their time to make a decision. And this is what exactly Myntra did by incorporating the psychology of Urgency and Scarcity to use in their latest sale.

They introduced an “Early Access” option exactly before the sale. Here, customers are asked to pay a fee of Rs.199 to get early access to the products which they have added to the cart. The discounted price of the products is lower than the normal days.

Once the customer continues to buy the product by clicking the CTA, he has two options to select from.

1) Buy Now with Early Access
The customer doesn’t need to wait for the sale to begin. He can buy the desired product immediately.

2) Wait for the Sale to Start
The customer needs to wait for the sale to begin if he doesn’t wish to pay the early access fee.

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